An overview of the MEDEA 3 Project/Training Programme from May 2021 to April 2025
In May 2021, a new PTB project, the 3rd phase of Metrology – Enabling Developing Economies in Asia (MEDEA 3), started and it will continue for four years. This project aims to support SGDs (Sustainable Development Goals of UN) in the target economies, and it requests APLMF to develop work plans for training particularly regarding water meters, software and pre-packages. Other fields will also be covered as far as they are linked to SDGs. Development of e-Learning materials is another important objective regardless of the field. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the practical implementation of the project was started in November 2023, as introduced below.
1. APLMF/MEDEA 3 Training Courses (2023 to date)
Training materials:
(1) Research on testing the metrological performance of blood pressure simulator, Mr Zhongli Zhang, SIMT, PR China
(2) Measurement standards for non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitoring devices, Dr Il Doh, KRISS, Rep. Korea
(3) The current situation of clinical thermometers in legal metrology, Mr Rafael Feldmann Farias, INMETRO, Brazil
(4) Usage of infrared body temperature thermometers and its calibration in PR China, Ms Chengyu Bai, NIM, PR China
(5) Outline of OIML R 145 and the revision procedure in TC18, Dr Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, APLMF Training Coordinator, Japan
(6) Research on the metrological technology of tonometers at NIM, Ms. Ruidan Xue, NIM, PR China
(1) Research on testing the metrological performance of blood pressure simulator, Mr Zhongli Zhang, SIMT, PR China
(2) Measurement standards for non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitoring devices, Dr Il Doh, KRISS, Rep. Korea
(3) The current situation of clinical thermometers in legal metrology, Mr Rafael Feldmann Farias, INMETRO, Brazil
(4) Usage of infrared body temperature thermometers and its calibration in PR China, Ms Chengyu Bai, NIM, PR China
(5) Outline of OIML R 145 and the revision procedure in TC18, Dr Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, APLMF Training Coordinator, Japan
(6) Research on the metrological technology of tonometers at NIM, Ms. Ruidan Xue, NIM, PR China
1.2. APLMF-APMP Training Course on Sphygmomanometers / 9-11 July 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand
Final program
Final program
Training materials:
(3) Introduction to APLMF and OIML TC 18, Dr Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
(4) Legal metrological control for medical measurement in Thailand, Dr Nakhon Tangwancharoenchai, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Thailand
(6) APMP MMFG’s activities, Dr Il DOH, KRISS/Chair of MMFG, Rep. Korea
(7) Legal metrology in P.R. China in medical area, Dr DING Xiang, NIM/Chair of WG-MM, P.R. China
(8) Reports from the participating economies (ZIP file)
(9a) OIML Recommendation R 148: Noninvasive non-automated sphygmomanometers, Mr WU Siqi, NIM, P.R. China
(9b) OIML Recommendation R 149: Noninvasive automated sphygmomanometers, Mr WU Siqi
(10) Introduction to related ISO standards Dr Il DOH
(11-12) Verification and calibration system on sphygmomanometer in P.R. China / Technical specification and list of devices needed to set up the laboratory for verification or calibration of sphygmomanometers, Mr WU Siqi
(13) Research progress and traceability system on non-invasive blood pressure simulators in Rep. Korea, Dr Il DOH
(15) Introduction and grouping for the practical training, Mr WU Siqi and Dr Il DOH
(16) Recommendation of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) for the clinical validation of cuffless blood pressure measuring devices, Dr Stephan Mieke, Germany (attended online)
(17-18) Uncertainty analysis of calibration results / How to issue verification certificates and calibration reports, Mr. WU Siqi and Dr. Il DOH
(3) Introduction to APLMF and OIML TC 18, Dr Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
(4) Legal metrological control for medical measurement in Thailand, Dr Nakhon Tangwancharoenchai, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Thailand
(6) APMP MMFG’s activities, Dr Il DOH, KRISS/Chair of MMFG, Rep. Korea
(7) Legal metrology in P.R. China in medical area, Dr DING Xiang, NIM/Chair of WG-MM, P.R. China
(8) Reports from the participating economies (ZIP file)
(9a) OIML Recommendation R 148: Noninvasive non-automated sphygmomanometers, Mr WU Siqi, NIM, P.R. China
(9b) OIML Recommendation R 149: Noninvasive automated sphygmomanometers, Mr WU Siqi
(10) Introduction to related ISO standards Dr Il DOH
(11-12) Verification and calibration system on sphygmomanometer in P.R. China / Technical specification and list of devices needed to set up the laboratory for verification or calibration of sphygmomanometers, Mr WU Siqi
(13) Research progress and traceability system on non-invasive blood pressure simulators in Rep. Korea, Dr Il DOH
(15) Introduction and grouping for the practical training, Mr WU Siqi and Dr Il DOH
(16) Recommendation of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) for the clinical validation of cuffless blood pressure measuring devices, Dr Stephan Mieke, Germany (attended online)
(17-18) Uncertainty analysis of calibration results / How to issue verification certificates and calibration reports, Mr. WU Siqi and Dr. Il DOH
1.3. APLMF Training Course on Verification and Type Approval for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) / 12-13 September 2024, Online
Final program
Final program
Training materials:
(1) OIML projects and national works on EVSE, Mr Chris Jarrett, NMIA, Australia
(2) Introduction to On-Site Verification at the EVSE, Dr Huang Hongtao, NIM, P.R. China
(3) New Intelligent Supervision Model for the Metering at the EVSE, Mr Fan Junjie, Hangzhou Institute of Quality & Metrology, P.R. China
(1) OIML projects and national works on EVSE, Mr Chris Jarrett, NMIA, Australia
(2) Introduction to On-Site Verification at the EVSE, Dr Huang Hongtao, NIM, P.R. China
(3) New Intelligent Supervision Model for the Metering at the EVSE, Mr Fan Junjie, Hangzhou Institute of Quality & Metrology, P.R. China
1.4. APLMF Training Course on Training Course on Rice Moisture Measurement / 25-28 February 2025 in Bandung, Indonesia
Programme Information
Nomination Form
1.5. APLMF Training Course on Verification of Petroleum Fuel Dispensers / 25-27 March 2025 in Pattaya City, Thailand
Programme Information
Nomination Form
Programme Information
Nomination Form
2. APLMF/MEDEA e-Learning Training Modules (April 2021 to date)
In November 2020 e-Learning pilots for Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWI / hosted by PTB) and Verification of Fuel Dispensers (hosted by Australia) were conducted.
Following these pilots, PTB began running the NAWI e-Learning online module on a monthly basis in October 2021 and continues running it to date.
Australia began running the online e-Learning module on Verification of Fuel Dispensers (VFD), also on a monthly basis, in January 2021 and continues running it to date.
The APLMF member economies and MEDEA target economies are eligible for these modules. Please contact the Secretariat if you wish to enroll on these modules.
3. MEDEA Training Program for e-Learning
Initiated by MEDEA PTB, the e-Learning training program started in 2022 for coaching the APLMF Working Group Chairs and their teams on the development of e-Learning modules for their groups. This initiative is based on the WGs’ planning that intends to deliver the e-Learning modules as part of their 2022-2024 Work Plan. As of 2022, the three groups on Rice Moisture, Pre-packages, and Weighing Instruments are designing the pilot module with the MEDIA project; this process will be guided stepwise to the whole frame. The process with methodology is coached by a consultant on how to convert the ideas into web-based training.
We would like to thank the groups for taking part in our meeting on 11 May regarding the support for e-learning modules by MEDEA. These e-Learning Modules are forecast to be the first to be launched, up and running by this year.
4. MEDEA Training Program for Policy Briefs
A policy brief is a short, concise summary of a particular topic or issue, written to help readers understand – and likely, make decisions about – the topic. It is aimed at a non-specialised audience – usually, politicians, government policymakers, and others interested in formulating or influencing policy. It is also a key communication tool used to analyse or advocate for research or expert-based analysis.
Policy Briefs was first introduced and led by the MEDEA PTB with the brainstorming on 12 April involving Working Group Chairs of all projects with aim to produce policy documents that are succinct, and more likely to be read in full by others. The MEDEA 3.0 proposal states that several policy briefs or guidelines on metrology with regard to national priorities and/or selected SDGs will be developed over the duration of the project that ends in April 2024.
It should illustrate the relevance of measurement services in reaching selected SDGs in the Asia-Pacific, for instant health (SDG 3), water (SDG 6), economic growth (SDG 8), and industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9).
In 2024, Ms Laurie Winkless of New Zealand provided a guideline: MEDEA Regional Guideline Communicating metrology to policymakers and the public - A practical guide to writing metrology Policy Briefs and Case Studies.
5. Training programmes other than the MEDEA
Training Course on the Verification of LPG Dispensers
Organized by the ASEAN project of PTB, WG3/ASEAN ACCSQ, and CBWM/Thailand
A Zoom video conference hosted by APMLF Secretariat from 16 to 18 August 2022
Varantorn Weruwanarak, Trainer, Thailand
Voratham Tiabrat, Trainer, Thailand
Chris Jarrett, Technical Expert, NMI, Australia
Benjamas Winya, Project Coordinator, Thailand
Marian Haire
General objective:
Participants will be able to: • Understand how to verify an LPG Dispenser using gravimetric or volumetric methods
Link to training video:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Organized by the ASEAN project of PTB, WG3/ASEAN ACCSQ, and CBWM/Thailand
A Zoom video conference hosted by APMLF Secretariat from 16 to 18 August 2022
Varantorn Weruwanarak, Trainer, Thailand
Voratham Tiabrat, Trainer, Thailand
Chris Jarrett, Technical Expert, NMI, Australia
Benjamas Winya, Project Coordinator, Thailand
Marian Haire
General objective:
Participants will be able to: • Understand how to verify an LPG Dispenser using gravimetric or volumetric methods
Link to training video:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4