People's Republic of China
Economy Detail
1. Laws of Metrology
1.1 Legal requirements for traceability
The measurement standards must be assessed as qualified by the metrological administrative department of the government. According to the technical regulation, the measuring instrument that has not been passed the verification test shall not be used.
The measurement standards must be assessed as qualified by the metrological administrative department of the government. According to the technical regulation, the measuring instrument that has not been passed the verification test shall not be used.
2. Legal Units of Measurement
The state adopts the International System of Units (SI). The international system of units and other units of measurement adopted by the state are national legal units of measurement. The State Council shall promulgate the names and symbols of the national legal units of measurement. Non-national legal units of measurement shall be abrogated. The State Council shall work out the measures for the abrogation.
3. Structure of Metrological Control Authorities
3.1 National organization for legal metrology
Department of Metrology, General administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ).
3.2 Custodian of National Standards
The governmental verification organizations at country level and other verification organizations designated by AQSIQ are responsible for the custody of national standards.
3.3 National organizations responsible for maintaining primary standards
National Institute of Metrology, National Institute of measurement testing Technology, National Research Center for Certified Reference Material and other authorized organization are responsible for maintaining primary standards.
3.4 Regional and local verification organizations
The verification organization of metrology in China is divided into following levels: state, province, city and county.
3.5 Instrument calibration and evaluation systems
The instrument should comply with the requirements of technical regulation.
Department of Metrology, General administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ).
3.2 Custodian of National Standards
The governmental verification organizations at country level and other verification organizations designated by AQSIQ are responsible for the custody of national standards.
3.3 National organizations responsible for maintaining primary standards
National Institute of Metrology, National Institute of measurement testing Technology, National Research Center for Certified Reference Material and other authorized organization are responsible for maintaining primary standards.
3.4 Regional and local verification organizations
The verification organization of metrology in China is divided into following levels: state, province, city and county.
3.5 Instrument calibration and evaluation systems
The instrument should comply with the requirements of technical regulation.
4. Range of Equipment Subject to Legal Metrology
The measuring instrument used for settling trade accounts, safety protection, medical treatment and health and environmental monitoring and listed in the “catalogue of the working measuring instrument” subject to compulsory verification. Up to now, there are 62 items and 118 kinds measuring instruments in this catalogue.
5. Type Approval
5.1 Legal and technical requirements for type approval
The measuring instruments listed in the “catalogue of measuring instruments” and for the purpose of marketing need to obtain the type approval. These measuring instruments should comply with the requirements of the technical regulation of metrology and the compulsory standards of the products.
5.2 Authority responsible for issuing type approval
The metrological administrative department of the State Council is responsible for issuing the imported measuring instrument type approval.
The metrological administrative department above the local province is responsible for issuing type approval of measuring instrument produced in China.
5.3 Recognition/acceptance of OIML certificates
China would like to accept the OIML certificates within the OIML MAA and bilateral MRA. Up to now, China (AQSIQ) and Netherlands (NMi) have reached an agreement of recognizing testing results on non-automatic weighing instruments. And China and Germany (PTB) have signed the mutual recognition agreement of test results on non-automatic weighing instruments and load cells.
5.4 Authority responsible for testing for type approval
The testing for type approval shall be performed by technical institutions authorized by the metrological administrative department of State Council.
5.5 List of major test facilities available
For different measuring instruments, there are different test facilities.
5.6 Fee structure
The manufacturers are required to pay according to our national fee standard of measuring instrument for type approval.
The measuring instruments listed in the “catalogue of measuring instruments” and for the purpose of marketing need to obtain the type approval. These measuring instruments should comply with the requirements of the technical regulation of metrology and the compulsory standards of the products.
5.2 Authority responsible for issuing type approval
The metrological administrative department of the State Council is responsible for issuing the imported measuring instrument type approval.
The metrological administrative department above the local province is responsible for issuing type approval of measuring instrument produced in China.
5.3 Recognition/acceptance of OIML certificates
China would like to accept the OIML certificates within the OIML MAA and bilateral MRA. Up to now, China (AQSIQ) and Netherlands (NMi) have reached an agreement of recognizing testing results on non-automatic weighing instruments. And China and Germany (PTB) have signed the mutual recognition agreement of test results on non-automatic weighing instruments and load cells.
5.4 Authority responsible for testing for type approval
The testing for type approval shall be performed by technical institutions authorized by the metrological administrative department of State Council.
5.5 List of major test facilities available
For different measuring instruments, there are different test facilities.
5.6 Fee structure
The manufacturers are required to pay according to our national fee standard of measuring instrument for type approval.
6. Verification (Conformity Assessment), Inspection and Reverification
6.1 Legal and technical requirements for verification and reverification
The measuring instruments used for settling trade accounts, safety protection, medical treatment and health and environmental monitoring, which are listed in the compulsory verification catalogue, are required perform the periodical verification by the metrological administrative department of the governments above county level.
The other working measuring instruments shall be verified by users themselves or other metrological verification institutions at regular intervals under the supervision and control of the metrological administrative department government above county level.
The verification of the measuring instruments is performed according to the technical regulation. If it meets the requirement of the technical regulation, it can be used.
6.2 Range of equipment verified and reverified and any statistical information available
See 6.1. According to the statistics last year in china, the quantities of the measuring instrument verified by the legal metrological institution is 40058507, including 30359808 working measuring instrument verified compulsorily.
In 30359808 working measuring instruments, 22834474 of them used for settling trade accounts, 2145004 of them used for medical treatment, 5213652 of them used for health, and 166679 of them used for environment monitoring.
6.3 Fee structure
The State Council formulates the fee standard of verification for national metrological institution. The local province government formulates the fee standard of verification for local metrological institution.
The measuring instruments used for settling trade accounts, safety protection, medical treatment and health and environmental monitoring, which are listed in the compulsory verification catalogue, are required perform the periodical verification by the metrological administrative department of the governments above county level.
The other working measuring instruments shall be verified by users themselves or other metrological verification institutions at regular intervals under the supervision and control of the metrological administrative department government above county level.
The verification of the measuring instruments is performed according to the technical regulation. If it meets the requirement of the technical regulation, it can be used.
6.2 Range of equipment verified and reverified and any statistical information available
See 6.1. According to the statistics last year in china, the quantities of the measuring instrument verified by the legal metrological institution is 40058507, including 30359808 working measuring instrument verified compulsorily.
In 30359808 working measuring instruments, 22834474 of them used for settling trade accounts, 2145004 of them used for medical treatment, 5213652 of them used for health, and 166679 of them used for environment monitoring.
6.3 Fee structure
The State Council formulates the fee standard of verification for national metrological institution. The local province government formulates the fee standard of verification for local metrological institution.
7. Accreditation and Certification Systems
7.1 Accreditation systems for legal metrology, calibration and testing laboratories. Traceability to national, regional, international or foreign measurement standards
The national and local province legal metrology laboratories are accredited by the metrological administrative department of the State Council. The legal metrologicaL laboratories below the province level are accredited by the metrological administrative department of the local provincial government.
The national regulation of the accreditation is JJF1069-2000.
The measurement standards should be traced to national or regional or international standards.
7.2 Legal and applied metrological activities in products certification
Commodity inspection services which provide notarial data for the society must be accredited by the metrological administrative department of the provincial people’s governments.
7.3 Legal and applied metrological activities in ISO 9000 quality management systems
According to ISO 10012 measurement control system and our national law of metrology, the working measuring instrument must meet the requirements of
the legal metrology, and the traceability of the measurement standards must be accredited by the metrological administrative of government.
The national and local province legal metrology laboratories are accredited by the metrological administrative department of the State Council. The legal metrologicaL laboratories below the province level are accredited by the metrological administrative department of the local provincial government.
The national regulation of the accreditation is JJF1069-2000.
The measurement standards should be traced to national or regional or international standards.
7.2 Legal and applied metrological activities in products certification
Commodity inspection services which provide notarial data for the society must be accredited by the metrological administrative department of the provincial people’s governments.
7.3 Legal and applied metrological activities in ISO 9000 quality management systems
According to ISO 10012 measurement control system and our national law of metrology, the working measuring instrument must meet the requirements of
the legal metrology, and the traceability of the measurement standards must be accredited by the metrological administrative of government.
8. Legal Metrology Practitioners
8.1 Numbers
There are 2592 metrological institutions and 57334 verifiers in China.
8.2 Qualification/training
The verifier who have the qualification for verification and obtain the metrological verification certificate can be engaged in the verification work.
8.3 Training organizations and courses organised
The local metrological administrative of government is responsible for organizing the training course and developing the training material.
8.4 Range of functions
There are 2592 metrological institutions and 57334 verifiers in China.
8.2 Qualification/training
The verifier who have the qualification for verification and obtain the metrological verification certificate can be engaged in the verification work.
8.3 Training organizations and courses organised
The local metrological administrative of government is responsible for organizing the training course and developing the training material.
8.4 Range of functions
9. Packaging
9.1 Legislative control for packaging
The regulation for prepackages is formulated in 1995 and went into effect on Jan.1, 1996. In this regulation the quantity of prepackages labeled in the units of mass, volume or length must meet the provided requirement.
The technical regulation “the rule of examination for prepackage” formulated in 2000. Its contents include the sampling plans and the way of testing.
9.2 Organization responsible
The metrological administrative of the State Council is responsible for the control and inspection of prepackage in whole country. The metrological administrative of local government are responsible for the control and inspection of prepackage in their locality.
The test of prepackage control is done by the metrological institutions.
The regulation for prepackages is formulated in 1995 and went into effect on Jan.1, 1996. In this regulation the quantity of prepackages labeled in the units of mass, volume or length must meet the provided requirement.
The technical regulation “the rule of examination for prepackage” formulated in 2000. Its contents include the sampling plans and the way of testing.
9.2 Organization responsible
The metrological administrative of the State Council is responsible for the control and inspection of prepackage in whole country. The metrological administrative of local government are responsible for the control and inspection of prepackage in their locality.
The test of prepackage control is done by the metrological institutions.
10. Sanctions
According to our relevant national legal provisions of sanction for the illegal activities, the way of sanction is mainly as follows: order to stop the manufacture or the business; make compensation for the loss; confiscate the measuring instruments and illegal gains; impose a fine and so on.