Economy Detail
1. Laws of Metrology
The legal metrology system in the Russian Federation is based on:
Federal Law of June 26, 2008, No.102-FZ “On assurance of measurement uniformity” (last amended in 2015)
Federal Law of June 29, 2015, No. 162-FZ “On standardization in the Russian Federation”
Federal Law of December 27, 2002, No. 184-FZ “On technical regulation” (last amended in 2010)
Federal Law of December 28, 2013, No. 412-FZ “On accreditation in national accreditation system”
There are more than 20 by-laws issued by the Russian Federation Government related to assurance of measurement uniformity
A large number of regulatory documents, rules, State standards and other guiding and metrological documents in various fields of metrology are issued as the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MINPROMTORG) and the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (ROSSTANDART) documents.
1.1 Legal Requirements for Traceability
The Federal Law "On assurance of measurement uniformity" requires to maintain traceability of all measuring instruments used in the country to the State primary measurement standards. It is compulsory for all measuring instruments used for legal purposes to be verified before putting them into service. Those measuring instruments that are not subject to verification can be calibrated.
Federal Law of June 26, 2008, No.102-FZ “On assurance of measurement uniformity” (last amended in 2015)
Federal Law of June 29, 2015, No. 162-FZ “On standardization in the Russian Federation”
Federal Law of December 27, 2002, No. 184-FZ “On technical regulation” (last amended in 2010)
Federal Law of December 28, 2013, No. 412-FZ “On accreditation in national accreditation system”
There are more than 20 by-laws issued by the Russian Federation Government related to assurance of measurement uniformity
A large number of regulatory documents, rules, State standards and other guiding and metrological documents in various fields of metrology are issued as the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MINPROMTORG) and the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (ROSSTANDART) documents.
1.1 Legal Requirements for Traceability
The Federal Law "On assurance of measurement uniformity" requires to maintain traceability of all measuring instruments used in the country to the State primary measurement standards. It is compulsory for all measuring instruments used for legal purposes to be verified before putting them into service. Those measuring instruments that are not subject to verification can be calibrated.
2. Legal Units of Measurement
The legal units of measurement within the Russian Federation are those of the International System of Units (SI). The units of measurement are regulated by the Governmental Decree of October 31, 2009, No. 879 “On adoption of Provisions of the quantity units, admitted for application in the Russian Federation” (last amended in 2015) and by the State Standard GOST 8.417-2002, “State System for assurance of measurement uniformity. Units of quantities”.
3. Structure of Metrological Control Authorities
The Federal State metrological supervision is established by Article 15 of the Federal Law FZ-102 and by Governmental Decree of April 6, 2011, No. 246 “On realization of the State metrological supervision”.
3.1 National Organisation for Legal Metrology
The legal metrology system is under authority of ROSSTANDART and its Deputy Head is the CIML Member. The Department of Metrology has the Legal Metrology Division. The main metrological Institute responsible for legal metrology activities in the Russian Federation is All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Metrological Service (VNIIMS) of ROSSTANDART.
Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, or ROSSTANDART
7, bld 1, Kitaygorodsky Proezd, Moscow, Russia 109074 (new address)
Tel.: +7 (499) 236-0300, +7 (499) 236 -7560
Fax: +7(499) 236-6231 or + 7(499) 237-6032
E-mail: [email protected]
All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Metrological Service of ROSSTANDART:
46, Ozernaya St,
Moscow, Russia, 119361
Telephone: + 7(495) 781-9081, + 7(495) 437-9959
Fax: + 7(495) 437-5666
E-mail: [email protected]
3.2 Custodian of National Standards
The National (State) measurement standards of the quantity units are used in the Russian Federation as references to reproduce and maintain the quantity units with the purpose of transferring their quantities to other measuring instruments of the given quantity. The State measurement standards of quantity units are part of Federal property. The primary measurements are approved by ROSSTANDART and are kept under its authority in 7 NMIs. In accordance with the Article 7 of the Federal Law 102-FZ the State primary measurement standards of quantity units (165) and the State measurement standards (more than 10,000) form the Base of Measurement Standards of the Russian Federation.
Main Publications
The main publications published under the guidance of ROSSTANDART related to scientific metrology and legal metrology and describing the State measurement standards approved by ROSSTANDART are:
3.3 National Organisation Responsible for Maintaining Primary Standards
The State scientific metrological centres (7 Russian NMIs) are responsible for development, improvement, maintenance, comparison and use (transfer of the quantity units) of the State primary measurement standards, according to their specialization.
The main metrological institutes responsible for the State primary measurement standards are:
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Metrology named after D.I.Mendeleyev (VNIIM)
19, Moskovsky pr.
St.Petersburg, Russia, 190005
Telephone: +7(812) 251-7601, + 7(812) 327-5835
Fax: +7(812) 713-0114
E-mail: [email protected]
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical, and Technical and Radio Technical Measurements (VNIIFTRI)
Mendeleyevo, Solnechnogorsky district, Moscow region, Russia, 141570
Telephone: +7 (495) 526-6300
Fax: +7 (495) 944-5268
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI)
46, Ozernaya St.
Moscow, Russia, 119361
Telephone: +7 (495) 437-5633, +7 (495) 437-3365
Fax: +7 (495) 437-3147
E-mail: [email protected]
3.4 Regional and Local Verification Organisation
There are more than 90 bodies of ROSSTANDART, including NMIs, and nearly 1000 laboratories throughout the country, performing verification of measuring instruments subject to legal metrology control. In accordance with the previous Law (1993), by the decision of ROSSTANDART, the right to perform verifications was granted to the accredited metrological services. The accreditation procedure now is established by the Governmental Decree of November 27, 2013, No. 1077 “On accreditation system in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity”. The national accreditation body is ROSACCREDITATION.
3.5 Instrument Calibration and Evaluation Systems
The Russian Calibration System was set up in 1994. It is being developed now considering new legislation.
Measuring instruments which are not subject to mandatory verification may be calibrated during production or repair, importation, use, rent or sale. Calibration of measuring instruments is carried out by Metrological Services using measurement standards traceable to State measurement standards. The calibration results are confirmed by issuing a calibration certificate.
In accordance with the new legislation, calibration laboratories must be accredited by the ROSACCREDITATION.
A voluntary certification system for measuring instruments was established in 1993 and registered by the GOSSTANDART of Russia (currently ROSSTANDART).
3.1 National Organisation for Legal Metrology
The legal metrology system is under authority of ROSSTANDART and its Deputy Head is the CIML Member. The Department of Metrology has the Legal Metrology Division. The main metrological Institute responsible for legal metrology activities in the Russian Federation is All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Metrological Service (VNIIMS) of ROSSTANDART.
Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, or ROSSTANDART
7, bld 1, Kitaygorodsky Proezd, Moscow, Russia 109074 (new address)
Tel.: +7 (499) 236-0300, +7 (499) 236 -7560
Fax: +7(499) 236-6231 or + 7(499) 237-6032
E-mail: [email protected]
All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Metrological Service of ROSSTANDART:
46, Ozernaya St,
Moscow, Russia, 119361
Telephone: + 7(495) 781-9081, + 7(495) 437-9959
Fax: + 7(495) 437-5666
E-mail: [email protected]
3.2 Custodian of National Standards
The National (State) measurement standards of the quantity units are used in the Russian Federation as references to reproduce and maintain the quantity units with the purpose of transferring their quantities to other measuring instruments of the given quantity. The State measurement standards of quantity units are part of Federal property. The primary measurements are approved by ROSSTANDART and are kept under its authority in 7 NMIs. In accordance with the Article 7 of the Federal Law 102-FZ the State primary measurement standards of quantity units (165) and the State measurement standards (more than 10,000) form the Base of Measurement Standards of the Russian Federation.
Main Publications
The main publications published under the guidance of ROSSTANDART related to scientific metrology and legal metrology and describing the State measurement standards approved by ROSSTANDART are:
- Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika (Measurement Techniques – has been published in English since 1958, currently – by the Springer Publishers) and Metrology (supplement)
- Legal and Applied Metrology
- Chief Metrologist
3.3 National Organisation Responsible for Maintaining Primary Standards
The State scientific metrological centres (7 Russian NMIs) are responsible for development, improvement, maintenance, comparison and use (transfer of the quantity units) of the State primary measurement standards, according to their specialization.
The main metrological institutes responsible for the State primary measurement standards are:
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Metrology named after D.I.Mendeleyev (VNIIM)
19, Moskovsky pr.
St.Petersburg, Russia, 190005
Telephone: +7(812) 251-7601, + 7(812) 327-5835
Fax: +7(812) 713-0114
E-mail: [email protected]
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical, and Technical and Radio Technical Measurements (VNIIFTRI)
Mendeleyevo, Solnechnogorsky district, Moscow region, Russia, 141570
Telephone: +7 (495) 526-6300
Fax: +7 (495) 944-5268
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI)
46, Ozernaya St.
Moscow, Russia, 119361
Telephone: +7 (495) 437-5633, +7 (495) 437-3365
Fax: +7 (495) 437-3147
E-mail: [email protected]
3.4 Regional and Local Verification Organisation
There are more than 90 bodies of ROSSTANDART, including NMIs, and nearly 1000 laboratories throughout the country, performing verification of measuring instruments subject to legal metrology control. In accordance with the previous Law (1993), by the decision of ROSSTANDART, the right to perform verifications was granted to the accredited metrological services. The accreditation procedure now is established by the Governmental Decree of November 27, 2013, No. 1077 “On accreditation system in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity”. The national accreditation body is ROSACCREDITATION.
3.5 Instrument Calibration and Evaluation Systems
The Russian Calibration System was set up in 1994. It is being developed now considering new legislation.
Measuring instruments which are not subject to mandatory verification may be calibrated during production or repair, importation, use, rent or sale. Calibration of measuring instruments is carried out by Metrological Services using measurement standards traceable to State measurement standards. The calibration results are confirmed by issuing a calibration certificate.
In accordance with the new legislation, calibration laboratories must be accredited by the ROSACCREDITATION.
A voluntary certification system for measuring instruments was established in 1993 and registered by the GOSSTANDART of Russia (currently ROSSTANDART).
4. Range of Equipment Subject to Legal Metrology
According to the Law of assurance of measurement uniformity (FZ-102), measuring instruments are subject either to compulsory verification carried out by verification bodies (in case of the State regulation) or to calibration carried out by calibration laboratories within enterprises and organizations. The Federal Law, Article 1, establishes 17 spheres of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity for measuring instruments subject to compulsory metrological verification.
5. Type Approval
5.1 Legal and Technical Requirements for Type Approval
General technical requirements for type approval procedures are prescribed by the MINPROMTORG Order of November 30, 2009, No. 1081 for testing, approval, issuing of type approval certificates for measuring instruments and reference materials in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law 102-FZ.
5.2 Authority Responsible for Issuing Type Approval
ROSSTANDART is responsible for issuing type approval certificates after adoption of the testing results.
5.3 Recognition/Acceptance of OIML Certificate
VNIIMS is authorized, on behalf of ROSSTANDART, to conduct assessments in the Basic OIML Certification System required for issuing the OIML Certificates in the Russian Federation.
Not always the technical specifications in Russia meet the OIML Recommendations requirements. Therefore the OIML certificates are not accepted unconditionally, but it's possible to sign bilateral arrangements for recognition.
5.4 Authority Responsible for Testing for Type Approval
Type evaluations are conducted under the control of ROSSTANDART by accredited metrological centers for definite types of measuring instruments.
5.5 List of Major Test Facilities Available
The main facilities used for testing of measuring instruments for all physical quantities are located in the metrological institutes and in laboratories situated in major Russian cities – Moscow, St.Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk.
5.6 Fee Structure
The fees vary depending on the complexity of instruments under testing, time spent, qualification of experts and specific conditions of a testing laboratory (centre). As a rule, the tests are conducted on a cost-reimbursable basis.
General technical requirements for type approval procedures are prescribed by the MINPROMTORG Order of November 30, 2009, No. 1081 for testing, approval, issuing of type approval certificates for measuring instruments and reference materials in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law 102-FZ.
5.2 Authority Responsible for Issuing Type Approval
ROSSTANDART is responsible for issuing type approval certificates after adoption of the testing results.
5.3 Recognition/Acceptance of OIML Certificate
VNIIMS is authorized, on behalf of ROSSTANDART, to conduct assessments in the Basic OIML Certification System required for issuing the OIML Certificates in the Russian Federation.
Not always the technical specifications in Russia meet the OIML Recommendations requirements. Therefore the OIML certificates are not accepted unconditionally, but it's possible to sign bilateral arrangements for recognition.
5.4 Authority Responsible for Testing for Type Approval
Type evaluations are conducted under the control of ROSSTANDART by accredited metrological centers for definite types of measuring instruments.
5.5 List of Major Test Facilities Available
The main facilities used for testing of measuring instruments for all physical quantities are located in the metrological institutes and in laboratories situated in major Russian cities – Moscow, St.Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk.
5.6 Fee Structure
The fees vary depending on the complexity of instruments under testing, time spent, qualification of experts and specific conditions of a testing laboratory (centre). As a rule, the tests are conducted on a cost-reimbursable basis.
6. Verification (Conformity Assessment), Inspection and Reverification
6.1 Legal and Technical Requirements for Verification and Reverification
For verification in Russia the OIML Documents D20 Initial and subsequent verification of measuring instruments and processes and D23 Principles of metrological control of equipment used for verification are used in the form of national documents. The instruments delivered for verification must be of an approved type.
6.2 Range of Equipment Verified and any Statistical Information Available
The fields of measurement where verification and calibration of measuring instruments are performed are established by the Federal Law No.102-FZ.
The intervals for reverification are established by ROSSTANDART (and may be changed if justified).
Verification of measuring instruments (the set of operations carried out for the purpose of confirming the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements) is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 102-FZ, Article 13:
1. The measuring instruments intended for application in the sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity are subject to initial verification before putting into operation and after repair, and during their operation they are subject to periodic verification. Legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs using measuring instruments in the sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity are obliged to present in due time these measuring instruments for verification.
2. Verification of measuring instruments is carried out by legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs accredited in accordance with the rule established in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity.
The list of measuring instruments that must be verified only by state regional metrological centers accredited in accordance with the rule established in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity is determined by the Governmental Decree of April 20, 2010, No. 250.
The results of verification of measuring instruments shall be confirmed by verification mark and (or) verification certificate. The procedure of carrying out verification of measuring instruments, requirements to verification mark and the content of verification certificate is established by MINPROMTORG Order of July 2, 2015, No.1815.
Data on results of verification of measuring instruments intended for application in the sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity shall be entered in the Federal Information Fund on assurance of measurement uniformity by legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs which carry out verification of measuring instruments.
6.3 Fee Structure
In compliance with the Law FZ-102 (article 26, Payment of works and (or) services on assurance of measurement uniformity)
“1. Works and (or) services on carrying out of obligatory metrological expertise of requirements containing in drafts of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation to measurements, reference materials and measuring instruments, on transfer of quantity units from the state measurement standards of quantity units and verification of the measuring instruments included in the list of measuring instruments which verification is carried out only by accredited state regional centres of metrology in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity, are paid at regulated prices in an order established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
“ 2. Works and (or) services of carrying out of tests of reference materials or measuring instruments with the purpose of type approval, attestation of measurement procedures (methods), metrological expertise specified in parts 2 and 4 of Article 14 of this Federal Law, on verification of measuring instruments not included in the list of measuring instruments, specified in part 1 of this Article, calibration of measuring instruments shall be paid by interested persons according to terms of the concluded agreements (contracts) if not provided otherwise by the legislation of the Russian Federation.”
For verification in Russia the OIML Documents D20 Initial and subsequent verification of measuring instruments and processes and D23 Principles of metrological control of equipment used for verification are used in the form of national documents. The instruments delivered for verification must be of an approved type.
6.2 Range of Equipment Verified and any Statistical Information Available
The fields of measurement where verification and calibration of measuring instruments are performed are established by the Federal Law No.102-FZ.
The intervals for reverification are established by ROSSTANDART (and may be changed if justified).
Verification of measuring instruments (the set of operations carried out for the purpose of confirming the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements) is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 102-FZ, Article 13:
1. The measuring instruments intended for application in the sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity are subject to initial verification before putting into operation and after repair, and during their operation they are subject to periodic verification. Legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs using measuring instruments in the sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity are obliged to present in due time these measuring instruments for verification.
2. Verification of measuring instruments is carried out by legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs accredited in accordance with the rule established in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity.
The list of measuring instruments that must be verified only by state regional metrological centers accredited in accordance with the rule established in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity is determined by the Governmental Decree of April 20, 2010, No. 250.
The results of verification of measuring instruments shall be confirmed by verification mark and (or) verification certificate. The procedure of carrying out verification of measuring instruments, requirements to verification mark and the content of verification certificate is established by MINPROMTORG Order of July 2, 2015, No.1815.
Data on results of verification of measuring instruments intended for application in the sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity shall be entered in the Federal Information Fund on assurance of measurement uniformity by legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs which carry out verification of measuring instruments.
6.3 Fee Structure
In compliance with the Law FZ-102 (article 26, Payment of works and (or) services on assurance of measurement uniformity)
“1. Works and (or) services on carrying out of obligatory metrological expertise of requirements containing in drafts of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation to measurements, reference materials and measuring instruments, on transfer of quantity units from the state measurement standards of quantity units and verification of the measuring instruments included in the list of measuring instruments which verification is carried out only by accredited state regional centres of metrology in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity, are paid at regulated prices in an order established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
“ 2. Works and (or) services of carrying out of tests of reference materials or measuring instruments with the purpose of type approval, attestation of measurement procedures (methods), metrological expertise specified in parts 2 and 4 of Article 14 of this Federal Law, on verification of measuring instruments not included in the list of measuring instruments, specified in part 1 of this Article, calibration of measuring instruments shall be paid by interested persons according to terms of the concluded agreements (contracts) if not provided otherwise by the legislation of the Russian Federation.”
7. Accreditation and Certification Systems
7.1 Accreditation Systems for Legal Metrology, Calibration and Testing Laboratories. Traceability to National, Regional International or Foreign Measurement Standards
The basic legal acts in the Russian Federation regulating accreditation are
Following Government Decree No. 845 (2011) “On the Federal Service for Accreditation” there was founded the Federal Service for Accreditation named Rosakkreditatsiya (Rosaccreditation). It became Associate Member of ILAC in May 2013 and now is realizing activities to become the APLAC Full Member.
7.2 Legal and Applied Metrological Activities in Products Certification
ROSSTANDART has developed the GOST R Certification System based on the Federal Law No. 154-FZ “On certification of products and services”.
The Russian Government adopted Resolution of December 01, 2009, No. 982 with a list of products subject to mandatory certification, which entered into force on February 15, 2010.
The products subject to mandatory certification can be grouped as:
7.3 Legal and Applied Metrological Activities in ISO Quality Management System
Russia has adopted the ISO 9000 series of standards in their entirety as national standards, including all requirements for measurements and measuring instruments such as calibration, maintenance, traceability to measurement standards within the National Measurement System. The voluntary system for certification of quality management systems was founded by GOSSTANDART in 1993. In accordance with the CIPM MRA signed by the GOSSTANDART of Russia in 1999 on behalf of 7 NMIs (VNIIMS, VNIIM, VNIIFTRI, VNIIOFI, VNIIR, UNIIM, SNIIM) the Quality Management System for NMIs has been developed.
The basic legal acts in the Russian Federation regulating accreditation are
- Presidential Decree of January 24, 2011 No. 86 “On a unifiedsystem of accreditation”
- Government Decree ofOctober 17, 2011 No. 845 “On the Federal Service for Accreditation”
- Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 412-FZ "On accreditation within the national accreditation system” which came into force on July 1, 2014
- Executive order of the Ministry of Economic Development of May 30, 2014 No. 326 “On the endorsement of Criteria for accreditation, a list of documents confirming the compliance of the applicant, the accredited entity, with the accreditation criteria, as well as a list of documents on standardization the compliance with which by the applicant, accredited parties, ensure their compliance with the accreditation criteria”
Following Government Decree No. 845 (2011) “On the Federal Service for Accreditation” there was founded the Federal Service for Accreditation named Rosakkreditatsiya (Rosaccreditation). It became Associate Member of ILAC in May 2013 and now is realizing activities to become the APLAC Full Member.
7.2 Legal and Applied Metrological Activities in Products Certification
ROSSTANDART has developed the GOST R Certification System based on the Federal Law No. 154-FZ “On certification of products and services”.
The Russian Government adopted Resolution of December 01, 2009, No. 982 with a list of products subject to mandatory certification, which entered into force on February 15, 2010.
The products subject to mandatory certification can be grouped as:
- < >consumer goods,
- industrial machinery and equipment.
Certification can be mandatory and voluntary.
Normative documents and rules are made in compliance with IEC/ISO Standards and Guides, particularly with ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and ISO Standard 5725.
7.3 Legal and Applied Metrological Activities in ISO Quality Management System
Russia has adopted the ISO 9000 series of standards in their entirety as national standards, including all requirements for measurements and measuring instruments such as calibration, maintenance, traceability to measurement standards within the National Measurement System. The voluntary system for certification of quality management systems was founded by GOSSTANDART in 1993. In accordance with the CIPM MRA signed by the GOSSTANDART of Russia in 1999 on behalf of 7 NMIs (VNIIMS, VNIIM, VNIIFTRI, VNIIOFI, VNIIR, UNIIM, SNIIM) the Quality Management System for NMIs has been developed.
8. Legal Metrology Practitioners
8.1 Numbers
For verification and calibration purposes there are more than 10,000 of State measurement standards traceable to 165 State primary measurement standards.
Many of 9000 types of certified reference materials approved at the State Federal level are used for verification and calibration. The assurance of uniformity of measurement is supported by 2000 technical documents, including approximately 500 standards, and nearly 600 inspectors are involved in the State metrological control and supervision.
A total of 86 State regional centers of metrology under the ROSSTANDART control are registered. These centers act as the State metrological service on the territory of 7 Federal Districts.
8.2 Qualification/Training
The measuring instruments subject to the State metrological control and supervision must be verified. Verification of the measuring instruments is carried out only by a certified verification officer. The training course for a verification officer is about 110 hours, including practical activity in the laboratory. Educational background must be university degree or secondary technical school level (for some activities).
The State metrological control and supervision are accomplished by the official representatives of ROSSTANDART – State inspectors for assurance of measurement uniformity, each of them have passed special certification as the State inspector. The State inspector who performs also verification should pass certification as verification officers. The inspectors are trained during the 108 hours program and they have had already the experience in metrological activity during some years before training.
For the accreditation of verification and calibration laboratories experts are trained during 108 hours plus practical sessions. Some experts are trained for participation in accreditation of certification bodies, of test laboratories, in certification of quality management system and certification of personnel.
The metrological staff (chief metrologist, metrologist-engineer, metrologist-technician etc.), especially involved in metrological service or juridical persons, whose activity is subject to State metrological control and supervision, have to take a training course every 5 years.
8.3 Training Organisations and Courses Organised
The main body responsible for training of metrologists in the Russia Federation as well providing courses for inspectors and verification officers is:
The Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (ASMC) of ROSSTANDART
90, bld 1,Volgogradsky Prospekt,
Moscow, Russia, 109443
Telephone: +7 (499) 172-4730
Fax: +7(499) 742-5241
E-mail: [email protected]
The Academy comprises 14 chairs among them the Legal Metrology Chair. It has 12 branches in different regions of Russia. Some training courses there are arranged by NMIs. With the support of ROSSTANDART organizations some industries can provide their own training courses the programs of which are correlated with the Academy’s programmes, training the metrologists for calibration and certification, metrological control and other metrological activities necessary for the industry.
The Academy runs professional retraining courses (72-1000 hours) on such issues as:
8.4 Range of Functions
The Legal Metrology Chair in the ASMC prepares experts in the following specializations:
For verification and calibration purposes there are more than 10,000 of State measurement standards traceable to 165 State primary measurement standards.
Many of 9000 types of certified reference materials approved at the State Federal level are used for verification and calibration. The assurance of uniformity of measurement is supported by 2000 technical documents, including approximately 500 standards, and nearly 600 inspectors are involved in the State metrological control and supervision.
A total of 86 State regional centers of metrology under the ROSSTANDART control are registered. These centers act as the State metrological service on the territory of 7 Federal Districts.
8.2 Qualification/Training
The measuring instruments subject to the State metrological control and supervision must be verified. Verification of the measuring instruments is carried out only by a certified verification officer. The training course for a verification officer is about 110 hours, including practical activity in the laboratory. Educational background must be university degree or secondary technical school level (for some activities).
The State metrological control and supervision are accomplished by the official representatives of ROSSTANDART – State inspectors for assurance of measurement uniformity, each of them have passed special certification as the State inspector. The State inspector who performs also verification should pass certification as verification officers. The inspectors are trained during the 108 hours program and they have had already the experience in metrological activity during some years before training.
For the accreditation of verification and calibration laboratories experts are trained during 108 hours plus practical sessions. Some experts are trained for participation in accreditation of certification bodies, of test laboratories, in certification of quality management system and certification of personnel.
The metrological staff (chief metrologist, metrologist-engineer, metrologist-technician etc.), especially involved in metrological service or juridical persons, whose activity is subject to State metrological control and supervision, have to take a training course every 5 years.
8.3 Training Organisations and Courses Organised
The main body responsible for training of metrologists in the Russia Federation as well providing courses for inspectors and verification officers is:
The Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (ASMC) of ROSSTANDART
90, bld 1,Volgogradsky Prospekt,
Moscow, Russia, 109443
Telephone: +7 (499) 172-4730
Fax: +7(499) 742-5241
E-mail: [email protected]
The Academy comprises 14 chairs among them the Legal Metrology Chair. It has 12 branches in different regions of Russia. Some training courses there are arranged by NMIs. With the support of ROSSTANDART organizations some industries can provide their own training courses the programs of which are correlated with the Academy’s programmes, training the metrologists for calibration and certification, metrological control and other metrological activities necessary for the industry.
The Academy runs professional retraining courses (72-1000 hours) on such issues as:
- < >Quality Management
- Environmental Management
- Energy Management
- Risk management
- Technical regulation
- < >< >Accreditation
8.4 Range of Functions
The Legal Metrology Chair in the ASMC prepares experts in the following specializations:
- State metrological control and supervision
- Metrological assurance of manufacturing processes
- < > expertise (evaluation) of technical documentation (design plans and specification, production and service forms and records, manuals and instructions, etc.)Development and attestation of measurement procedures
- Evaluation of software measuring instruments
- Measurement uncertainty and traceability
9. Packaging
In accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law FZ-102 the State metrological supervision shall extend to prepackaging of goods.
“The obligatory requirements to deviation of quantity of prepackaged products from the declared value on the package are established by technical regulations. The technical regulations can also contain obligatory requirements to equipment used for packaging and control of packaging, rules of conformity assessment of deviation of quantity of prepackaged products from the declared value, obligatory requirements to packing, marking or labeling of prepackaged products and label rules.”
“The obligatory requirements to deviation of quantity of prepackaged products from the declared value on the package are established by technical regulations. The technical regulations can also contain obligatory requirements to equipment used for packaging and control of packaging, rules of conformity assessment of deviation of quantity of prepackaged products from the declared value, obligatory requirements to packing, marking or labeling of prepackaged products and label rules.”
10. Sanctions
Article 23 of the Federal Law FZ-102 “On Assurance of measurement uniformity” declares that
“Legal entities, their heads and workers, self-employed entrepreneurs that have admitted violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on assurance of measurement uniformity, have had unjustified hindrance in realization of state metrological supervision, and (or) non-execution, at the stated time, of prescripts of the Federal executive power bodies, concerning elimination of the revealed violations, which are carrying out state metrological supervision, shall bear responsibility, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.”
“Legal entities, their heads and workers, self-employed entrepreneurs that have admitted violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on assurance of measurement uniformity, have had unjustified hindrance in realization of state metrological supervision, and (or) non-execution, at the stated time, of prescripts of the Federal executive power bodies, concerning elimination of the revealed violations, which are carrying out state metrological supervision, shall bear responsibility, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.”