Working Group on Weighing Instruments (WG-WI)
Terms of Reference
At the 25th Forum meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand, Forum members endorsed setting up of a Working Group on NAWI. In May 2021, its name has been changed to Working Group on Weighing Instruments. The Working Group aims to identify the best usage of weighing instruments, and to harmonize the requirements for the instruments in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Working Group on Weighing Instruments covers all weighing instruments including Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWI) and Automatic Weighing Instruments (AWI). The practical target categories are specified under the Current Work Programme.
At the 25th Forum meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand, Forum members endorsed setting up of a Working Group on NAWI. In May 2021, its name has been changed to Working Group on Weighing Instruments. The Working Group aims to identify the best usage of weighing instruments, and to harmonize the requirements for the instruments in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Working Group on Weighing Instruments covers all weighing instruments including Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWI) and Automatic Weighing Instruments (AWI). The practical target categories are specified under the Current Work Programme.
- To strengthen the knowledge, skill, and capacity on weighing instruments for the metrology officers/experts though training in the region. This objective includes communication skills using simple English;
- To facilitate online training scheme and use of eLearning materials to save time and cost that are necessary for a physical training;
- To maintain the consistency in the training programs in the region including the contents of the materials;
- To contribute to harmonization and standardization of the verification test procedures for weighing instruments based on OIML Recommendations across the region; and
- To support participation to the OIML-CS (Certificate System) for mutual recognition in type approval of weighing instruments.
- Training courses on NAWIs/AWIs delivered in the region that result in enhancement of the knowledge and capabilities of the leaders, officers and technical experts;
- Online training courses and/or eLearning materials delivered in the region;
- Harmonisation in the training courses and training materials;
- Harmonisation in the test methods and test procedures for verification; and
- More participation by the member economies to the OIML-CS.
See contact details on the WG landing page - see link at bottom.
CHAIR:- Ms Suliana GHAZALLI, National Metrology Institute of Malaysia
Mr Abdul Hafiz Azizan, National Metrology Institute of Malaysia
Mr Argielou A Flores - Industrial Technology Development Institute, Taguig City, Philippines
Mr Sudchai SRIKHAJORNDET, Bureau of Weights and Measures (BWM) Thailand
Mr Julian CRANE, Trading Standards, MBIE, New Zealand
CHAIR:- Ms Suliana GHAZALLI, National Metrology Institute of Malaysia
Mr Abdul Hafiz Azizan, National Metrology Institute of Malaysia
Mr Argielou A Flores - Industrial Technology Development Institute, Taguig City, Philippines
Mr Sudchai SRIKHAJORNDET, Bureau of Weights and Measures (BWM) Thailand
Mr Julian CRANE, Trading Standards, MBIE, New Zealand
Current Work Programme
As agreed at 26th APLMF Meeting in November 2019.
- Develop eLearning module for spring balances
- Launch Spring Balances eLearning module in Nov 2020
- Start to plan eLearning module for weighbridges
- 2018: 25th Forum Meeting established new WG to develop eLearning module for NAWE (Weighbridges and Spring Balances )
- 2019: Mrs Suliana GHAZALLI appointed as Working Group Chair
Training Reports