Economy Detail
1. Laws of Metrology
The law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement 1994 is valid in Mongolia.
The law and accompanied by regulations specify metrological control, such as pattern/type approval, verification, license of metrological activities for private organizations, sanction of measuring instruments and pre-packaged products.
This law was amended in 2003, and in present, ongoing amendment in the law.
1.1 Legal requirements for traceability
The Mongolian law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement provides for the establishment of national measurement standards based on the S.I. units. The Law requires national measurement standards to provide traceability to all measuring instruments through all the country.
This law prescribes compulsory for all measuring instruments used for legal purposes to be verified during their output from production or repair, upon delivery by import and in the course of service. The measuring instruments that are not subject to verification can be calibrated.
The law and accompanied by regulations specify metrological control, such as pattern/type approval, verification, license of metrological activities for private organizations, sanction of measuring instruments and pre-packaged products.
This law was amended in 2003, and in present, ongoing amendment in the law.
1.1 Legal requirements for traceability
The Mongolian law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement provides for the establishment of national measurement standards based on the S.I. units. The Law requires national measurement standards to provide traceability to all measuring instruments through all the country.
This law prescribes compulsory for all measuring instruments used for legal purposes to be verified during their output from production or repair, upon delivery by import and in the course of service. The measuring instruments that are not subject to verification can be calibrated.
2. Legal Units of Measurement
The law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement is prescribes the International System of units (S.I.) as the legal units to be used through all the country. Mongolian Government is approved the Regulation, which are defined legal units of measurements, such as a few specified units are permitted for official use and in commercial transactions, according to the law “on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement”.
3. Structure of Metrological Control Authorities
3.1 National Organization for legal metrology
The Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) as Governmental regulatory agency is responsible for legal metrology under the authority of the Deputy Minister of Mongo1ian Government of `lia and includes Centre for standardization and metrology of 20 provinces.
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology
Bayanzurkh district, Peace avenue-46A,
13343 Ulan-Bator, Mongolia
Tel.: +976 (51) 26 21 61
Fax: +976 (1) 458 032
3.2 Custodian of National Standards
Department of Metrology Policy and Measurement Standards (MPMSD) of MASM have the status as a National Metrology Institute (NMI). According to Mongolian Law on Guarantee uniformity of measurement, the MPMSD is obligatory for following activities. Where:
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology
Bayanzurkh district, Peace avenue-46A,
13343 Ulan-Bator, Mongolia
Tel.: +976 (51) 26 2 161
Fax: +976 (1) 458 032
E-mail: [email protected]
3.3 National Organization responsible for maintaining primary standards
The Mongolian primary standards are held and maintained by MPMSD of MASM (see clause 3.2) and by Metrological professional organization and institutes for measurements, such as nuclear, aviation, rail way and environmental.
3.4 Regional and local verification organizations
To carry out the objectives of the Law on guarantee uniformly of measurement throughout Mongolia, there are the MASM have centres for Standardization and Metrology in 20 local branches.
There are responsible for verifications of measuring instruments subject to legal metrology in Mongolia.
3.5 Instrument calibration and evaluation systems
Mongolian National Accreditation System (MNAS) accredits testing and calibration laboratories for quality control purposes in industries. MNAS represents Mongolia on International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC) and Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Conference (APLAC).
The Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) as Governmental regulatory agency is responsible for legal metrology under the authority of the Deputy Minister of Mongo1ian Government of `lia and includes Centre for standardization and metrology of 20 provinces.
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology
Bayanzurkh district, Peace avenue-46A,
13343 Ulan-Bator, Mongolia
Tel.: +976 (51) 26 21 61
Fax: +976 (1) 458 032
3.2 Custodian of National Standards
Department of Metrology Policy and Measurement Standards (MPMSD) of MASM have the status as a National Metrology Institute (NMI). According to Mongolian Law on Guarantee uniformity of measurement, the MPMSD is obligatory for following activities. Where:
- R&D, establishment, maintenance, dissemination and improvement of National measurement standards and reference materials;
- calibration of measuring instruments with high accuracy;
- development and control of implementation of law on g;
- testing and pattern approval of measuring instruments;
- Proving license for metrological activities, such as manufacturer, repair, installation and sale of measuring instruments;
- Reference instrument inspection for calorimeters, and establishment/calibration of national measurement standards;
- organization of trainings on metrology;
- providing technical guidance and advices to the metrological organizations, such as governmental, nongovernmental private sectors and regional organizations;
- international cooperation and it’s development, and elegation of contact persons for international metrology organizations, BIPM, BIML, APMP and APLMF;
- development and implementation of national and international projects and programs;
- development of metrology policy documentations and control of implementation them.
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology
Bayanzurkh district, Peace avenue-46A,
13343 Ulan-Bator, Mongolia
Tel.: +976 (51) 26 2 161
Fax: +976 (1) 458 032
E-mail: [email protected]
3.3 National Organization responsible for maintaining primary standards
The Mongolian primary standards are held and maintained by MPMSD of MASM (see clause 3.2) and by Metrological professional organization and institutes for measurements, such as nuclear, aviation, rail way and environmental.
3.4 Regional and local verification organizations
To carry out the objectives of the Law on guarantee uniformly of measurement throughout Mongolia, there are the MASM have centres for Standardization and Metrology in 20 local branches.
There are responsible for verifications of measuring instruments subject to legal metrology in Mongolia.
3.5 Instrument calibration and evaluation systems
Mongolian National Accreditation System (MNAS) accredits testing and calibration laboratories for quality control purposes in industries. MNAS represents Mongolia on International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC) and Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Conference (APLAC).
4. Range of Equipment Subject to Legal Metrology
According to the Law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement, Mongolian Government approved the list of measuring instruments subject compulsory metrological control, such as verification and supervision of measuring instruments. It includes measuring instruments used in the following areas:
- Commercial operations and payments between the buyer and the seller;
- treatment and diagnostic in health and veterinary service;
- environmental protection, to provide the labour safety and
- the State defence.
- Commercial operations and payments between the buyer and the seller;
- treatment and diagnostic in health and veterinary service;
- environmental protection, to provide the labour safety and
- the State defence.
5. Type Approval
5.1 Legal and technical requirements for type approval
Legal and general technical requirements and new registration of types for measuring instruments are prescribed by Procedure for conduct testing of measuring instruments and type approval, and according to the Law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement.
MASM has the responsibility to ensure that the design of the measuring instrument meets certain criteria ensure accurate measurement. MASM carries out this responsibility by partially examining the designs of measuring instruments and testing sample instruments. The specifications against which a sample instrument is tested agree to the greatest possible extent with OIML international recommendations.
5.2 Authority responsible for issuing type approval NSC is responsible for issuing type approval certificates for trade measuring instruments.
The MASM is the authority responsible for issuing type approval certificates.
5.3 Recognition/acceptance of type approval work performed by other countries
The Up to now MASM represents Mongolia has not yet recognized the OIML Certificate system but we take it into consideration during the examination for type approval and providing acceptance of any Certificate of Approval issued by a full member of OIML. That approval must be issued in accordance with an OIML International Recommendation.
In addition, MASM has signed agreements with GOSSTANDART of Russian Federation and National Metrology Institute(NIM) of China and the Czech office for standards, metrology and testing (UNMZ) of Republic of Czech on the mutual acceptance of test reports for weighing instruments.
5.4 Authority responsible for testing for type approval
The MASM is the authority responsible for testing for type approval of measuring instruments.
5.5 List of major test facilities available
The List of measuring instruments must be approved:
- Mass;
- Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments;
- Fuel Dispenser;
- Taxi meter;
- Flow meter;
- Water meter;
- Electricity Meter;
- Current transformers
- Heat Meter;
- Gas Meter
- Breath Alcohol tester and
- Volume measuring instruments;
5.6 Fee structure
The fees vary according to the complexity of tested instruments, the time spent, the qualification of experts and the particular conditions in testing laboratory (centre)
Legal and general technical requirements and new registration of types for measuring instruments are prescribed by Procedure for conduct testing of measuring instruments and type approval, and according to the Law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement.
MASM has the responsibility to ensure that the design of the measuring instrument meets certain criteria ensure accurate measurement. MASM carries out this responsibility by partially examining the designs of measuring instruments and testing sample instruments. The specifications against which a sample instrument is tested agree to the greatest possible extent with OIML international recommendations.
5.2 Authority responsible for issuing type approval NSC is responsible for issuing type approval certificates for trade measuring instruments.
The MASM is the authority responsible for issuing type approval certificates.
5.3 Recognition/acceptance of type approval work performed by other countries
The Up to now MASM represents Mongolia has not yet recognized the OIML Certificate system but we take it into consideration during the examination for type approval and providing acceptance of any Certificate of Approval issued by a full member of OIML. That approval must be issued in accordance with an OIML International Recommendation.
In addition, MASM has signed agreements with GOSSTANDART of Russian Federation and National Metrology Institute(NIM) of China and the Czech office for standards, metrology and testing (UNMZ) of Republic of Czech on the mutual acceptance of test reports for weighing instruments.
5.4 Authority responsible for testing for type approval
The MASM is the authority responsible for testing for type approval of measuring instruments.
5.5 List of major test facilities available
The List of measuring instruments must be approved:
- Mass;
- Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments;
- Fuel Dispenser;
- Taxi meter;
- Flow meter;
- Water meter;
- Electricity Meter;
- Current transformers
- Heat Meter;
- Gas Meter
- Breath Alcohol tester and
- Volume measuring instruments;
5.6 Fee structure
The fees vary according to the complexity of tested instruments, the time spent, the qualification of experts and the particular conditions in testing laboratory (centre)
6. Verification (Conformity Assessment), Inspection and Reverification
The Law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement,1994 requires that all weights, measures and measuring instruments for trade accounts, safety protection, medical treatment and health and environmental protection, to provide the labour safety and the State defence use be inspected, verified, stamped and re-verified on certain time. Verifications are carried out by verification officers of MASM and local institutes and of other Metrological professional organization and institutes for verification according to type.
6.1 Legal and technical requirements for verification and reverification
Measuring instruments can only be verified after it has been approved by Mongolian agency for standardization and metrology (MASM). At the end of verification process, the verification officers will put the mark of the measuring instruments which meet the criteria specified on relevant standard.
The general requirements for verification are as follows:
- The instruments must have to meet metrological and technical requirements according to the relevant standard.
- The instruments must have the certificate of pattern/type approval.
- The instruments must have traceability from SI unit.
6.2 Range of equipment verified and reverified and any statistical information available
The range of major equipment verified / re-verified yearly are as follows:
6.3 Fee structure
Fees for verification, re-verification, pattern/type approval are uniform throughout the country. The fees are based on Government Decree.
6.1 Legal and technical requirements for verification and reverification
Measuring instruments can only be verified after it has been approved by Mongolian agency for standardization and metrology (MASM). At the end of verification process, the verification officers will put the mark of the measuring instruments which meet the criteria specified on relevant standard.
The general requirements for verification are as follows:
- The instruments must have to meet metrological and technical requirements according to the relevant standard.
- The instruments must have the certificate of pattern/type approval.
- The instruments must have traceability from SI unit.
6.2 Range of equipment verified and reverified and any statistical information available
The range of major equipment verified / re-verified yearly are as follows:
- Mass of classes M3 – F2
- Non-automatic weighing instruments
- Taxi meter
- Length measuring instrument
Other: 500 - Rice moisture tester and
- Alcohol Evidential Breathalyser
Electricity: -163000, - Electricity meter
- Current transformers Heat meter
- Manometer for Blood
Volume and flow:-120000 - Flow meter other than water
- Fuel dispenser including LPG & CNG Dispense
- Gas meter (diaphragm, turbine, PD, Orifice, Ultrasonic, Vortex) and
- Volume measuring instruments (road tanker)
6.3 Fee structure
Fees for verification, re-verification, pattern/type approval are uniform throughout the country. The fees are based on Government Decree.
7. Accreditation and Certification Systems
7.1 Accreditation systems for legal metrology, calibration and testing laboratories. Traceability to national, regional, international or foreign measurement standards
The Mongolian National Accreditation System (MNAS) is a national accreditation body established under MASM to evaluate the technical and operational competence of laboratories and inspection bodies to perform tests, calibration and/or inspection in a certain field, and accredit them in accordance with the ILAC and MNAS regulations, ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17020.
Currently, 15 calibration laboratories and 106 testing laboratories have been accredited in accordance with the requirement of ISO/IEC 17025 by MNAS represents Mongolia on the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and is also the signatory of ILAC-MRAs.
7.2 Legal and applied metrological activities in products certification
None implemented or available yet.
7.3 Legal and applied metrological activities in ISO quality management system
None implemented or available yet.
However, MASM has certified to meet the requirement ISO 9001:2008 by Certification body AFNOR.
The Mongolian National Accreditation System (MNAS) is a national accreditation body established under MASM to evaluate the technical and operational competence of laboratories and inspection bodies to perform tests, calibration and/or inspection in a certain field, and accredit them in accordance with the ILAC and MNAS regulations, ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17020.
Currently, 15 calibration laboratories and 106 testing laboratories have been accredited in accordance with the requirement of ISO/IEC 17025 by MNAS represents Mongolia on the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and is also the signatory of ILAC-MRAs.
7.2 Legal and applied metrological activities in products certification
None implemented or available yet.
7.3 Legal and applied metrological activities in ISO quality management system
None implemented or available yet.
However, MASM has certified to meet the requirement ISO 9001:2008 by Certification body AFNOR.
8. Legal Metrology Practitioners
8.1 Numbers
There are 50 specialists and verification officers who are working in testing for type approval and verification in MASM and 100 inspectors and verification officers are working as the same functions in 20 local verification offices.
8.2 Qualification/training
The specialists and verification officers have been trained in Training Centre of Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology.
8.3 Training organizations and courses organised
Training Centre of MASM conducts the following courses:
- The verification officers’ course for the students who are recruited from graduates takes 3 month.
8.4 Range of functions
The graduates from the courses principally have the same functions i.e:
- Verification of measuring instruments.
- Re-verification.
- Testing in the frame of pattern/type approval.
However, the inspectors who are recruited from graduates have broader function i.e. the research and development for method of measurement verification or testing procedure for pattern/type approval.
There are 50 specialists and verification officers who are working in testing for type approval and verification in MASM and 100 inspectors and verification officers are working as the same functions in 20 local verification offices.
8.2 Qualification/training
The specialists and verification officers have been trained in Training Centre of Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology.
8.3 Training organizations and courses organised
Training Centre of MASM conducts the following courses:
- The verification officers’ course for the students who are recruited from graduates takes 3 month.
8.4 Range of functions
The graduates from the courses principally have the same functions i.e:
- Verification of measuring instruments.
- Re-verification.
- Testing in the frame of pattern/type approval.
However, the inspectors who are recruited from graduates have broader function i.e. the research and development for method of measurement verification or testing procedure for pattern/type approval.
9. Packaging
9.1 Legislative control for packaging
In accordance with the Law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement metrological supervision over the quantity of pre-packed commodities in packages of any type during their packaging and sale is effected in the cases when the content of a package cannot be changed without its opening or deformation and the mass, length, area or other quantities indicating the value of the pre-packed commodities are marked on the package.
9.2 Organization responsible
The Mongolian Professional Inspection Agency, MASM and its 20 local branches centres for Standardization and Metrology have the responsibility for implementing the technical regulation concerning packaging. The detail requirements are specified in Technical Regulation, which is issued by MASM. The Technical Regulation is based mostly on International Recommendation of OIML i.e. R 79 and
In accordance with the Law on Guarantee the uniformity of measurement metrological supervision over the quantity of pre-packed commodities in packages of any type during their packaging and sale is effected in the cases when the content of a package cannot be changed without its opening or deformation and the mass, length, area or other quantities indicating the value of the pre-packed commodities are marked on the package.
9.2 Organization responsible
The Mongolian Professional Inspection Agency, MASM and its 20 local branches centres for Standardization and Metrology have the responsibility for implementing the technical regulation concerning packaging. The detail requirements are specified in Technical Regulation, which is issued by MASM. The Technical Regulation is based mostly on International Recommendation of OIML i.e. R 79 and
10. Sanctions
The Law on the guarantee uniformity of measurement and the various Enforcement Acts provide for the imposition of penalties for various offences committed under the respective Act. Penalties imposed depend on the severity of the offences committed and usually involve a fine.